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37 Yr Old Failed Two IVF Cycles, Has Frozen Embies And Husband With Slow Swimmers

37 Yr Old Failed Two IVF Cycles, Has Frozen Embies And Husband With Slow Swimmers: What Would You Suggest?


I just failed my second IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedure. I am 37 years old living in the Bay Area. My husband has slow swimmers and not great morphology either. We used ICSI (intra cytoplasmic sperm injection) with both IVF procedures.

The first cycle I had 8 eggs, 6 fertilized and only two made it for transfer. The second cycle I had nine retrieved, 8 fertilized and we transferred two embryos on day 3, one an 8 cell and one a nine cell. We were able to freeze 3 embryos, not of as high quality. I believe the frozen embryos are 5 and 6 cells. I am planning to use the frozen embryos, but it seems like a lost cause as the quality of the embryos are not as good as the fresh ones that were transferred. I am doing acupuncture treatments as well.

Any advice would be most helpful. L. from San Francisco, California


Hello L. from the U.S.,

I am sorry to hear of your failures, but IVF is certainly the best treatment for you based on your husband's problem and your age.

Without reviewing your IVF records, I cannot give you any specific information regarding your cycles or chances. Keep in mind that each IVF center uses different protocols and methods and pregnancy rates vary. For example, my pregnancy rate in your age group with ICSI is 56% per attempt with 41% continuing pregnancies. Pregnancy rates are very dependent on the stimulation, how many mature eggs are retrieved, embryo development and transfer technique. In addition, in your age group, having failed one IVF cycle already, I would have placed back all four embryos, even though the lesser celled ones were not as good quality. There is no utility to freezing them, and the prognosis with those embryos is not good as you already know. The success rate of a frozen embryo transfer cycles with good embryos is approximately 30%. Your best chance, once you have tried with the frozens if you choose, is to keep trying with fresh embryos.

In my protocol, I would probably place you at the max stimulation protocol, add low dose aspirin, low dose heparin, medrol and increased progesterone with the next cycle. Acupuncture certainly does not hurt and I would recommend that you continue it. On a side note, when my wife & I went through IVF she was 37 like you. We also did ICSI. She had 14 eggs retrieved, eight fertilized, and we ended up with one nine cell, one eight cell and the other two 5 cell. After conferring with her RE, (she was under the care of my colleague at the time) we decided to transfer all four. She became pregnant with a singleton, our daughter, who is now a healthy young teenager (her baby picture is on the Doctor's Background page of my blog). Needless to say, we did not regret our decision :)

Good Luck on your journey, I will keep my fingers crossed for you both!

Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG

Executive Medical Director

The Fertility and Gynecology Center

Monterey Bay IVF Program

Monterey, California

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