One of the first tests Dr. Ramirez orders is a semen analysis because sperm abnormalities can affect fertility in a couple. A semen sample must be collected in order to evaluate the sperm. Samples can be collected at home. We also have a collection room situated in our downstairs surgery center, offering complete privacy. If collected at home, the sample should be brought in within an hour of collection and kept near body temperature during transport.
Normally, semen analysis can take a week if done in an outside laboratory. At our center, Dr. Ramirez reviews the specimen the same day using a state-of-the-art automated semen analyzer, SQA Vision. These results will serve as a treatment guide for you and your partner.
Up to 40% of couples with fertility problems have sperm issues so a careful evaluation of male fertility is important and a detailed semen analysis for men is an important part of each couple’s treatment plan.