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4 Tips for Coping With Infertility When the Holidays are Challenging

Feeling sad, frustrated, or even angry during the holidays isn’t unusual. In fact, it’s pretty normal. Nearly 90% of Americans say their stress spikes during the holidays. 

At the Fertility & Gynecology Center - Monterey Bay IVF, located in Monterey, California, Dr. Edward J. Ramirez and our caring team understand the emotional toll this season can bring. 

When you’re dealing with infertility, you have extra challenges, and, unfortunately, the holiday season tends to touch on some of the areas you’re struggling with. You might see family members who are pregnant or meet new babies in the family. Relatives might ask insensitive questions. 

All of these things can come together to make the holidays anything but happy or carefree. 

As the only full-service IVF center in the region, we’re committed to providing state-of-the-art infertility care in a compassionate, personalized setting. Beyond helping you conceive, we aim to support your overall well-being, especially during difficult times like the holidays.

Here are some of our top tips for navigating this challenging season.

Set boundaries

If possible, decide ahead of time which events you feel comfortable attending. Don’t feel bad about declining invitations you fear will be emotionally taxing. For example, maybe you know that several family members are bringing their newborns to a party. 

If you dread the thought of putting on a happy face when you’re hurting inside, give yourself permission to say “no.” 

Communicate with your loved ones

Discuss your thoughts and feelings with loved ones. Hiding your feelings only makes things more challenging.

You don’t have to discuss your infertility with everyone, and certainly not with people you don’t feel close to, but you might be surprised at how empathetic and understanding your loved ones can be. 

Practice self-care

Self-care becomes more important than ever during the holidays. Make some time for activities that bring you joy every day. 

Reading, exercising, crafting projects, or other things you love can help lighten your emotions and remind you that there is still joy in your life. 

Draw support from professionals

Speaking to a therapist is helpful in coping with infertility at any time of year, especially during emotionally challenging times like the holidays. 

Your therapist may also recommend joining an infertility support group, which can provide crucial support during this difficult season.

Infertility support in Monterey

At The Fertility & Gynecology Center - Monterey Bay IVF, we’re here to support you year-round with customized infertility care. Our team treats you as a whole person, so we’re here to help  with cutting-edge fertility treatments, recommendations for coping during the holidays, and beyond.

Call our Monterey office or connect with us online today. 

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