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Calendar Method Vs. OPK? It's All In The Timing...


So my husband and I are trying for our first child. We've trying for about 3 months with no luck yet. i was thinking of trying the ovulation test but i'm not sure if its worth it. I've read online that they can help but i figure it would never hurt to ask. Do you know much about them and if there worth the money or should i just track my temp every morning.Thanks for the help! S. from Canada


Hello S. from Canada,

An ovulation predictor kit (OPK) does not help any more than timing it well. I don't recommend it to my patients. Instead, I recommend the calendar timing method. It goes like this:

CD#1 The day your period starts. Mark you calendar then count each day. For instance the next day is cycle day #2, then cycle day #3 etc.

CD#10 Stop having intercourse. You can have regular intercourse until that day but you have to stop on that day.

CD#13-17 Assuming you have normal regular cycles, this is your fertile period. You should have intercourse each day, only once per day and only one ejaculation per episode. After cycle day #17 you can resume your normal frequency.

Keep in mind that 85% of women under the age of 30 take 8-12 months to achieve pregnancy so you have not yet been trying long enough. Hopefully this method will help.

Good Luck,

Dr. Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program
Monterey, California, U.S.A.

Comment: Ok thank you so much for the advice! I'm going to try the calendar method.

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