Canadian TTC Wants To Know When Is The Best Time To Use A Pregnancy Test Kit
My husband and I are trying to get pregnant with our second baby, I got pregnant very easily with my now three year old son. As of right now I am 8 days post ovulation. I have been using 10 miu pregnancy tests which have all come up negative the last three days.
I have two questions I hope that is okay. My first one is what is the average day for a positive pregnancy test using 10 miu tests? My second question is if I am experiencing ALL of my usual pms symptoms does that mean I am likely not pregnant? Thanks so much! L. from Canada
Hello L. from Canada,
You'll have to wait at least 10-14 days to check a home urine pregnancy test. At 8 days post-ovulation (assuming that is when it occurred because there is no way to know for sure), entrance into the uterus is just occurring for the embryo and implantation has not yet occurred. Keep in mind that an ovulation predictor kit does NOT tell you when ovulation occurs but the range of when it will occur. There is no way to know when it occurs exactly.
PMS symptoms are usually due to the increased progesterone levels in the luteal phase and not an indicator of a lack of a pregnancy. You'll just have to wait and see.
Also keep in mind that despite the fact that you got pregnant easily the first time, it takes the average woman 8 months to get pregnant and 85% will achieve pregnancy by one year of trying. So, in fact, you have not tried for a long enough period of time to worry. :)
Good Luck,
Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program
Monterey, California, U.S.A.
Comment: Thanks you so much! I feel much better that you have answered my questions, and I now know I do not need to worry.