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Is There a Way to Prevent Infertility?

About 6% of married women ages 15-44 are unable to become pregnant after a year of trying. In roughly 35% of cases, there’s an identifiable problem with both the woman’s and man’s health causing the infertility, and in about 8%, there’s a problem only with the man’s reproductive system. 

At The Fertility & Gynecology Center - Monterey Bay IVF, our infertility and fertility preservation specialist, Edward J. Ramirez, MD, has helped many couples understand why they are struggling to have a baby. 

He suggests infertility treatment options to help you realize your dream of having a family or having a larger family. 

Defining infertility 

There’s often some confusion about what infertility actually is. It doesn’t mean that you can’t conceive. Instead, it’s defined as not being able to get pregnant after one year or more of having unprotected sex. 

Infertility does not discriminate. Both men and women are equally likely to be infertile.

For a couple to become pregnant, four things must occur. First, the woman’s ovaries must release a healthy egg, then the man must produce sperm, which will fertilize the egg. The egg must travel to the uterus and, finally, the fertilized egg must attach to the inside of the uterus.

Problems that can cause infertility can occur at any time before, during, or after this process. 

Infertility in women

Common issues that cause infertility in women are hormonal problems or structural issues that prevent the egg from getting to or attaching to your uterus. Some ovulation cycle disruptions are a major cause of infertility. Other possibilities include:

Infertility in men

Men have generally less complex reproductive systems. When they have infertility symptoms, it almost always comes down to sperm. Low sperm count or abnormal sperm function can make pregnancy a challenge. Other issues include:

Prevention versus treatment

Although it isn’t possible to prevent infertility, it’s very possible to treat infertility. We offer numerous services to help you understand why you’re struggling to become pregnant, along with treatments that can help. 

The main reason that we say prevention isn’t possible is that you may not realize there’s a problem until you’ve been trying to become pregnant for a year or more. It’s always a good idea to live a healthful life, but eating your vegetables won’t necessarily help you have a  baby. 

If you have been trying to get pregnant but haven’t, schedule an appointment with us at The Fertility & Gynecology Center - Monterey Bay IVF. The first step is identifying any issues that need to be addressed. 

Scheduling is easy. You can use our convenient online scheduling tool to request an appointment, or call us at 831-205-2593. We’re located in Monterey, California.

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