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Positive Beta But I Missed Dose Of Prometrium, Now Spotting: Am I Miscarrying?

Hello Dr. Ramirez,

I am on prometrium 200mg/1morning and 2evening. I forgot evening dose on my 12th dpo. Experienced spotting and pencil line blood in mucus next 3 days. Since I forgot to take the prometruim could I be miscarrying? Today it's 16dpo and my beta came back + but at 77. Thanks! M. from the U.S.A.


Hello M. from the U.S.,

It is unlikely that this missed dose would cause you to miscarry. Remember, the progesterone you are taking (prometrium) is a supplement and not the only source of progesterone. Your ovary, or follicle that you ovulated from, becomes a corpus luteum cyst and is the natural source of progesterone to support implantation and an early pregnancy. Once the placental develops, it takes over the production of progesterone.

The number for your first bHCG is fine. It should double approximately every other day (48 hrs) and the trend gives a good indication of how the pregnancy is progressing until an ultrasound can be done at 6 weeks gestational age. The actual amount of rise of the bHCG is at least 80% so if it doesn't double completely, don't be worried as long as it is going up.

Good Luck and don't worry too much,

Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG

Executive Medical Director

The Fertility and Gynecology Center

Monterey Bay IVF Program

Monterey, California, U.S.A.

Comment: Thank you so much for the information! I appreciate the advice. I am actually moving to santa clara county and will see if it is feasible to use Dr. Ramirez as my physician!

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