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State Of The Art Semen Analysis

Severe male factor infertility, once a barrier to parenthood, has virtually ceased to exist due to breakthroughs in the field of fertility medicine. One of those is ICSI, a procedure done during the in vitro process by our embryologist. The other, though, comes at the very beginning of an infertility evaluation, “semen analysis”.

We are proud to announce our new, state of the art SQA-VISION, the ultimate automated semen analyzer for reproductive centers, offered at Monterey Bay IVF. An accurate diagnosis of male factor infertility can be made quickly in our laboratory. We know that the most common cause of male factor infertility is low sperm count while the absence of sperm in the semen is less common, affecting only 1 percent of all men and 10 to 15 percent of infertile men.  A semen analysis at our Monterey clinic can determine whether a patient’s male infertility is caused by a low or absent sperm count.

Watch as Dr. Ramirez examines a patient’s sperm motility with the aid of SQA-Vision analyzer and verifies the count manually on the laboratory microscope.

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