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When Should An IUD Be Removed In Order To Get Pregnant?


Hi, I am a pretty healthy 25 year old woman with two children ages 5 and 3. I am writing from Washington, DC. I currently have a copper IUD as birthcontrol. I have had it in for a little more than three years now (since I had my youngest child). My husband and I are thinking about having another baby and I would really like for the baby to be born in March, April, or May 2012. As far as I know the copper IUD shouldn't affect my ability of getting pregnant after I have my doctor remove it and I didn't have any problems getting pregnant with my other two kids.

My question is during what month should I have my IUD removed in order to get pregnant and give birth during these months. And should I have the IUD removed before or after I get my period that month? Y. from the U.S.


Hello Y. from the U.S.,

I usually will recommend that the IUD be pulled when you are on your period. Because there is flow, the uterine cavity is more expanded and removing the IUD is easier at that time. You can then begin trying for pregnancy with that month. So, if March 2012 is the earliest you want to have your baby then you can begin trying in July 2011. You can remove the IUD with your period nearest July (end of June or beginning of July).

Good Luck!

Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG

Executive Medical Director

The Fertility and Gynecology Center

Monterey Bay IVF Program

Monterey, California, U.S.A.

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