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Why Does Menopause Cause Weight Gain?

Why Does Menopause Cause Weight Gain?

Many women gain about 1.5 pounds per year from age 50-60, the years when menopause usually happens. At the Fertility & Gynecology Center - Monterey Bay IVF, our compassionate women’s health specialist, Dr. Edward J. Ramirez, and caring team often hear from women concerned about weight gain during menopause. 

We understand how frustrating it is to feel like you can’t control your body, and in this month’s blog, our goal is to help you better understand why menopause weight gain happens and how you can fight back. 

The root of menopause weight gain 

The root of menopause weight gain may be hormone changes during that time. 

During menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels drop significantly. This causes metabolic changes, including a slower metabolism and a decrease in muscle mass. 

With fewer calories burned, fat builds up, particularly around the belly. This is especially true if you don’t account for your reduced calorie needs during menopause. Continuing to eat exactly as you did before is now too much, and can cause steady weight gain. 

However, menopause weight gain is more complex than saying “The hormones did it.” Other factors can contribute. 

Sleep problems

The Endocrine Society points out that while all women experience hormone loss during menopause, only half gain weight. This points to other factors contributing to weight gain. 

One such factor is sleep disturbances. Studies show that disrupted sleep can cause slower fat burning, leading to weight gain in menopausal women. 

Activity level changes

Many women slack off on physical activity during menopause. Whether it’s due to menopause symptoms or other reasons, for example, joint pain, reduced physical activity is a direct cause of weight gain. 

Fighting back against menopause weight gain

Genetics and other personal factors can also contribute to menopause weight gain. At Fertility & Gynecology Center - Monterey Bay IVF, we take the time to evaluate your needs and investigate the individual factors leading to weight gain. 

With that information, we create a treatment plan that fights weight gain and other frustrating menopause symptoms. 

As Dr. Ramirez explains to his patients, estrogen hormone therapy is overwhelmingly the most effective type of hormone therapy for menopause symptoms, such as weight gain and hot flashes. 

He tailors your dose based on your unique needs and prescribes the lowest amount of hormones that are effective. Dr. Ramirez may prescribe estrogen in a few forms, including low-dose birth control pills (they contain adequate estrogen to manage menopause symptoms) and, if necessary, vaginal estrogen (tablets, creams, or a vaginal ring).

Alongside hormone therapy, Dr. Ramirez recommends a diet plan to accommodate your changing metabolism and help you maintain a healthy weight. He recommends an exercise program as well, which can also help prevent osteoporosis by keeping your bones healthy.

This multipart approach can help you reclaim a healthy, happy, and active life during menopause. 

Call our office in Monterey, California, or reach out online to learn how we can help with menopause weight gain now.

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