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Wondering About Follicle Size And Ovidrel Shot


Hi, I am on Gonal-f and my US (ultra-sound) yesterday showed I had 2 follicles measuring at 17mm and 14mm, my doctor told me to take one more shot of 75ui Gonal-f last night and to trigger with ovidrel tonight.

Do you think my eggs will be mature enough to ovulate???
Thanks! N. from the U.S.


Hello N. from the U.S.,

If the follicles grow normally, they should increase by 2 mms each day. That means that they will be 19 and 16 mms the next day. I NEVER trigger without knowing the follicle size for sure. That is sloppy care. In addition, I would want you to be able to ovulate both follicles so I would probably wait one extra day and use the gonal-f another day. That way the follicle sizes should be 21 and 18 mms, so that both would be ovulatory size. Since follicles don't always follow the expected growth rate, I feel you have to look each day to know for sure.

In terms of your question, if the follicles grow to 19 mms and 16 mms the next day, then the 19 mm follicle definitely should ovulate and the 16 mm follicle may or may not.

Good Luck,

Dr. Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program
Monterey, California, U.S.A.

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